Does Snake Away Work on Copperheads

Does Snake Away Work on CopperheadsCopperheads are the least dangerous of all their cousins in the pit viper family. But, that doesn’t mean they’re welcome to visit our place whenever they fancy. People use snake repellent products like the snake away to limit their activity. Does snake away work on Copperheads or not. We are here to help you find out.

If the success rate of this product is questionable, then what? Lucky for you, we have stated some trusted measures to help you address the Copperheads issue in specific and the snake issue in general. So, let’s begin the journey.

What are Copperheads?

Copperheads are a venomous species of snakes of the pit viper family. They have beefy, tan-ish bodies with hourglass-like crossband patterns and coppery coloured heads. Hence, the name “Copperhead.” due to these physical traits, they’re comparatively easy to identify.

What makes them a petrifying sight is their size. An adult copperhead can grow 36” to 40” in length. An interesting fact is that the female copperhead is longer than its spouse. But, the male copperhead’s tail is longer than the female’s.

Where Do Copperheads Live?

Copperheads are versatile and adaptive, which is why they hang out all over the US. However, their favourite habitats are rocky areas, swamps, marshes, rivers, woody areas and tall grass.

So, people residing near the eastern seaboard from Massachusetts to Florida to even Nebraska may have noticed copperheads a couple of times on their properties.

Copperheads are both diurnal and nocturnal, depending on the time of the year. In other words, they are fully active during the daytime in spring and fall, while they come out to hunt during long summer nights.

Does Snake Away Work on Copperheads

Frankly speaking, it’s both a little yes and a little no. There are mixed reports about the effectiveness of this particular snake repellent against Copperheads. Some people reported that they found a copperhead cooped up right next to a bag of Snake Away, while others rejoiced at the snake’s disappearance after applying this stuff.

I personally think you should look for other more reliable approaches because, although rarely fatal, the venomous bite of a copperhead can cause infection and a lot of pain.

If you decide to use this product for deterring copperheads and other snakes, use it according to the directions on the label.

Don’t throw this stuff around carelessly when you’ve got children and pets.

How to Get Rid of Copperheads from your Yard or House

Copperheads prefer to steer clear of humans but may approach your house if they find something to their liking. Instead of taking out the proverbial Big Guns to kill them, experts advise non-violent approaches to get rid of them.

  1. Manually Remove It

Just take a broom and shove it away. You can also use a large hose and shower a powerful spray of water on it to drive it away.

Another way is to use tongs and a hook to remove the snake. This removal technique requires gentle handling as the hook can injure the snake.

  1. Cutoff Food Supply

Copperheads are meat lovers. They snack on rodents, salamanders, lizards, frogs and larger bugs. Make sure your residence doesn’t house any of these to attract copperheads. Use pesticides across the perimeters to prevent pest infestation. Also, remove food morsels from the floors and tightly cover trashcans and food containers. Rodents and bugs loiter around them, which in return draws snakes to your place.

  1. Remove or Cover Water Sources

Copperheads can swim like fish. Gah! You might find one taking a lap in a pond, your pool or residing on a tree branch near a waterbody during summers. Sprinkle snake repellent around such waterbodies to deter snakes. When not in use, cover your pool.

Also, seal your toilet and kitchen drains as well as septic systems to prevent snake trouble in general. Furthermore, keep birdbaths where snakes can’t approach them.

  1. Get Rid of Their Shelters

One of the most effective tricks to get rid of copperheads and other snakes is to get rid of their favourite sheltering spots around the house. Don’t leave piles of lumber, stones, firewood, mulch and littered leaves on the ground. Snakes and rodents like to sneak under them.

Trim high grass and greenery to reduce hiding spots of snakes.

  1. Use Snake Repellent Plants

Using snake repellent plants is undoubtedly an effective and easy way to prevent copperheads from slithering around. Visit your nearby nursery to purchase popular snake repellent plants like lemongrass, mother-in-law’s tongue, marigold, garlic and onion. You can blend them with other plants in your garden. They are known to work on almost all types of snakes.

  1. Essential Oils

Snakes, including copperheads, detest strong-scented stuff. Oh, they loath essential oils. Even The Wildlife Services and USDA have approved the use of essential oils on commercial properties for repelling snakes. Essential oils confuse snakes and leave a burning sensation on their skins. As a result, they move away from such places.

The most effective essential oils against copperheads are clove and cinnamon oils. According to research by Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Texas University, clove (eugenol) and cinnamon oils do the trick.

Add a few drops of one of the two to water to make a mixture. You can increase the number of oil drops to make it stronger. Pour it around the perimeter to shield your property from snakes. Remember, essential oils are more effective when sprayed close to snake-inhabited spots.

  1. Set a Barrier

Snake-proof barrier or fencing has a higher success rate against snakes, including copperheads. Set a snake-proof fence around the perimeter to form an impenetrable shield. Snakes have little success crossing this barrier.

  1. Professional Help

I will always prefer professional help over other methods for getting rid of snakes any time of the day or year. The snake will NEVER escape a professional’s clutches. Plus, he will also analyse your in-place anti-snake environment and point out vulnerabilities, if there are any.

Contact your local wildlife services, pest control company or professional exterminator to move the snake from your building.

  1. Use Commercial Methods

You can use commercial sprays or granular repellent substances to repel snakes. Note that many commercial snake repellents aren’t eco-friendly. They could harm humans and animals. The toxic substance in them may kill snakes. Therefore, they should be your absolute last resort.

You can use iron cages, glue traps or minnow traps to capture copperheads. Once the object of your distress is trapped, call animal control to take it away. You can relocate the serpent on your own as well.


Copperheads are spread all over the US. However, they love woody regions, rocky areas, swamps and marshes. So, those living near their favourite environments are bound to meet one at least once in their lives unless they take measures to keep the serpent at bay.

We have listed a range of methods above that promise to help you get rid of snakes, including copperheads. So, whenever you notice a snake in your beloved house, look around to find out what elements emboldened it to travel your way. Get rid of those, and the creature will disappear itself.


About the author

Clinton Newman

Clinton Newman is a herpetologist and part-time blogger who loves to study snakes and their behavior. He is always called by neighbors to help them catch or get rid of snakes in their houses. . He's a passionate traveler and does a lot of Hiking and Hunting Adventures. His favorite places are Forests, Deserts, and Mountains. Now, he's guiding other Hikers to hike safely through this blog by reviewing the top best picks gears for safety and also guiding on Snakes and ways to deal with them.