What to Wear to Protect from Snake’s Venomous Bites?

Most of us love snakes because these exotic creatures are fascinating to watch. All that fascination goes down the drain when a bite from this reptile cuts your trip short or lands you in ER. You must know what to wear to protect from snakes to avoid such unpleasant accidents.

You should wear such clothing pieces that can protect all those vulnerable parts of your body that are within reach of most snake strikes. Snakeproof garments are your best and primary line of defence in such circumstances. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of protective clothing you must wear when going on an adventure.

Read this article to know what gears can shield you from snake strikes.

What to Wear to Protect from Snakes

First, you must know which one of your body parts needs the most protection from snakes.

Vulnerable Parts that Need Protection

Around 80% to 90% of snakebites occur around the ankles and calves areas of your lower limbs. However, that doesn’t mean other parts of your anatomy are safe. Your thighs, feet, hands and arms are also vulnerable to fang attacks. That means you need clothing that can protect all these vulnerable parts.

Protective Apparel to Protect from Snakes

Before you look for apparel that can keep you safe from snakebites, be fully aware of the materials that can resist puncturing fangs. Materials such as heavy-duty leather, synthetic fiber, Cordura nylon and canvas are famous for withstanding aggressive fangs and other puncturing objects.

Now, you can check the options and plan your look for a day out in the wild.

Denim Jeans or Pants

If you are hunting or hiking in a snake-active area, it is better to wear long pants or denim jeans. Never wear shorts regardless of the scorching climate because it leaves your legs open to snake attacks. The best snakeproof pants come in heavy-duty leather, denim, nylon or canvas. Thus, you have a wide variety to choose from without compromising your style and comfort preferences.

Besides, opt for loose-fitting pants because then fangs have to get past more fabric to reach your skin.


Although your boots may not require it, wear a thick pair of socks anyway. Many of you might complain that it would toast your feet in hot weather, but I would still advise wearing them. They are an extra layer of defence for your most vulnerable body parts, i.e. ankles and calves. It’s a simple rule of thumb: the more layers you have, the lesser the chances of snake fangs making contact with your skin.

Snakeproof Boots

The snakeproof boot is a primary line of defence against snakes. Meaning, you just cannot afford not to wear them when hiking or hunting in a snake country. Get yourself a nice pair of snakeproof boots at least 2-3 inches above the ankles.

Boots that have a blend of sturdy materials such as Cordura, synthetic, heavy-duty leather and rubber are the best. Most snake fangs are unable to permeate such tough fabrics.

It is smart to wear knee-high snakeproof boots because they protect your entire lower leg from snakebites. Make sure your shoes are cushioned and breathable to keep your feet comfortable and moisture-free.

Snake Gaiters

After snake boots, snake gaiters are the next best shield against snakebites. You wear them over your shoes and pants. So, they protect your ankles, shin and calves, the areas where most snakebites occur.

A common mistake people make is that they perceive snake gaiters and hiking gaiters to be the same thing. They are not; that error of judgement can land you in ER. Snake gaiters are made of materials that can resist fangs. Alternatively, most hiking gaiters just protect you from thorns, briars and cacti.

So, pick only those garments which are tested with live snakes for 100% safety and peace of mind. For instance, TurtleSkin SnakeArmor is a brand that tests its protective clothing with live diamond rattlesnakes. Therefore, you can be sure that its gears can repel snakebites and venom.

Snake Chaps

Snake chaps are like an overall for your legs. They are usually made of a heavy-duty synthetic fiber called Cordura nylon. You can also find chaps made from a blend of heavy-duty ballistic fibres, nylon, polyester and denim.

If you are hiking in an area rampant with pit vipers and copperheads, then you must wear snake chaps over your pants. That’s because pit vipers can reach higher parts of the target, i.e. they can strike up to two-thirds of their length when aggravated.

Snakeproof Gloves

These are conditional and secondary protective measures. Usually, you don’t need to wear protective gloves as you aren’t going to put your hand in a snake’s den or touch a snake. However, if you have to tackle a snake in your path, you must do it after wearing protective gloves.

Gloves made of heavy-duty nylon or leather are the best option.

Wrap Up

Snakebites commonly occur when you step in a snake’s vicinity without wearing protective clothing. Whenever you plan any hunting, hiking or camping venture, armour yourself in clothing that can guard you against venom and painful snakebites. Long pants, snakeproof boots and gaiters are a must when travelling through the snake-rampant territory. You can also wear thick socks and gloves if you have to handle a snake. Wear these garments, and you will be safe and sound.

About the author

Clinton Newman

Clinton Newman is a herpetologist and part-time blogger who loves to study snakes and their behavior. He is always called by neighbors to help them catch or get rid of snakes in their houses. . He's a passionate traveler and does a lot of Hiking and Hunting Adventures. His favorite places are Forests, Deserts, and Mountains. Now, he's guiding other Hikers to hike safely through this blog by reviewing the top best picks gears for safety and also guiding on Snakes and ways to deal with them.